A message from the CEO and Director
2021 was another year with crucial developments in key areas of our global society due to the widespread pandemic, disrupting further the right to health and development for all. All of us were and continue to be directly or indirectly affected by the pandemic, causing distortions in our lives. At hera, 2021 started out with the tragic loss of our colleague Jean-Pierre Kashala in the DRC and throughout the year we lost some other close friends. We hold their memory dearly and share the loss with friends, colleagues and family.
2021 was another year of working mainly virtually with the consequent ups and downs. Despite all the challenges of 2021, it was also a very special year for us with the transition to our new management team. We are grateful for the legacy and support received from Leo and Martine, and from all our hera partners, associates and employees. A key highlight of 2021 was our Extraordinary General Assembly where many of us were amazingly able to gather for three days in Belgium, and where we had the opportunity for an appropriate celebration in honour of 31 years of hera.
Looking forward to 2022, we strongly reconfirm our commitment to the ten principles of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact to human rights, labour, anti-corruption and the environment. As such, we will further engage in collaborative projects which advance the broader development goals of the UN, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals. We also continue to call for broad-scale political and economic action to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC), leaving no one behind.
In 2022, hera will continue our work in reducing our environmental footprint and we strive to obtain trustworthy certification for these efforts. Similarly, in our work, we intend to be selective with regards to our assignments with an increased focus on the resilience of health systems, equity and gender equality, as well as environmental protection as a determinant of health. We remain passionate, professional, rigorous, and focused on quality in our mission to uphold the right to health and development for all.
We are grateful for all the work, partnership, and contributions from our consultants and clients and look forward to continuing this work in 2022, towards a better world.
With best wishes,
Marieke and Leen
In 2021 we worked on 78 contracts, of which 53 were new.
New contracts
South America
Type of support
Policy support
Institutional assessment
Monitoring /evaluation
Formulation / appraisal
Study / survey
Short and long-term technical support
hera to support Health Systems Global in developing a new 5-year strategic plan
A hera team, led by CEO Leen Jille and Associate Partner Giorgia Lattanzi, has been selected to support Health Systems Global (HSG) in developing its next 5-Year Strategic plan covering 2021-2026. The aim is to develop a strategic framework that continues to position HSG at “the forefront of health systems policy and research within the changing landscape of global health.”
HAS – work on pharma and social protection
The objective of the Health Advisory Services (HAS) is to support the EU in the implementation of its policies and programmes in health aid and the adaptations and adjustments required under its related policies.
hera to support Health Systems Global in developing a new 5-year strategic plan
hera was selected to support Health Systems Global (HSG) in developing its next 5-Year Strategic plan covering 2021-2026.
Spotlight Initiative : Eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls
hera was awarded a two-year contract with UN WOMEN for the Mid-Term Assessment of the Spotlight Initiative, a multi-year initiative between the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN), focused on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG).
Linking Procurement with Public Financial Management in Namibia
Contracted by UNICEF, hera’s work focused on supporting and building consensus between the MoF and Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) as well as key partners on practical PFM solutions to improve service delivery in the health sector.
Evaluation of Médecins Sans Frontières OCB’S end-to-end supply chain
The evaluation was conducted by hera, supported by the Stockholm Evaluation Unit and guided by an OCB Evaluation Consultation Group.
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
hera conducted an evaluation of the GAVI Fragility, Emergencies and Refugee (FER) policy through a mixed-method global evaluation and case studies in three selected countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh and South Sudan).
Gender, HIV and Youth Mainstreaming Strategy of the Seed Knowledge Initiative (SKI)
hera supported the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) involving the analysis and support of the Gender, HIV and Youth Mainstreaming Strategy of the Seed Knowledge Initiative (SKI).
Norad Framework assignments
hera and the Nordic Consulting Group (NCG) were awarded together two framework contracts with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).
Third-party monitoring (DRC, Kenya, Lebanon, Morroco)
hera provides Third-party monitoring (TPM) services for the FCDO and the European Commission. (DRC, Kenya, Lebanon, Morroco)
Calvin Tonga
Calvin began working with hera as a consultant in 2015 and became a hera associate in 2021. He has experience in planning, monitoring and evaluation, data management and performance-based financing.
Justine Jensen
Justine has a long-standing relationship with hera, having worked on assignments as a consultant since 2012 and as an Associate Partner since 2014. Her areas of technical expertise include gender, harmful traditional practices, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and maternal and child health.
Travor Mabugu
Travor is a Zimbabwean health economist and Pharmacist with cross-cutting experience in health economics. He has worked with hera as an independent consultant since 2015. In 2019 he became an associate partner and joined hera as a partner in September 2020.
Ronald Horstman
Ronald is a senior international advisor, team leader, researcher, and change manager in (public) health and social systems, supporting development agencies and governments mainly in low- and middle-income countries.
+ Online meetings attended
LinkedIn Company followers
Twitter followers
Top tweets in 2021
Today catch the launch of @TheLancet Series on Women’s and Children Health in Conflict Settings' from 4.00 – 5.45pm CET w/ moderator @richardhorton1 and speakers @HelenClarkNZ, @DrTedros, @pbspiegel and more. #WCHinConflict #healthforall https://t.co/29nx0d5FvT
— hera - right to health and development (@heraBelgium) January 25, 2021
Bodily autonomy is a human right. hera partners @DevilleMarieke and Alice Behrendt contributed to the new @UNFPA report #MyBodyIsMyOwn. A call from millions of women around the world demanding control of their bodies. Read more: https://t.co/uv3vCynUik
— hera - right to health and development (@heraBelgium) April 14, 2021
#StandUp4HumanRights pic.twitter.com/mCdS0zEgDS
We signed the #COVID19 #VaccinEquity declaration for the accelerated rollout of life-saving vaccines to #healthworkers and at-risk populations in all countries within the first 100 days of 2021. On day 55, still a long way to go. #COVAX #ACTtogether https://t.co/yfJSOwT9yo
— hera - right to health and development (@heraBelgium) February 24, 2021
We are delighted to announce our new internally elected CEO, Leen Jille (@jille_leen) and Director, Marieke Devillé(@DevilleMarieke). Both are deeply embedded in our culture and both bring expertise, experience and passion, as well as a fresh approach. https://t.co/0APPd0x5WF
— hera - right to health and development (@heraBelgium) June 15, 2021
Climate change and child health: a scoping review and an expanded conceptual framework via the latest edition of the @TheLancetPlanet. https://t.co/nL5QweMZZ0
— hera - right to health and development (@heraBelgium) March 11, 2021
Our annual extraordinary general meeting takes place this week and we are so delighted to be meeting again together in person and virtually to celebrate 31 years of hera and our collective vision of the right to health and development for all. pic.twitter.com/I4YWOODTpj
— hera - right to health and development (@heraBelgium) September 14, 2021
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