Evaluation of UNICEF humanitarian response to the 2021 2022 drought crisis in the south of Madagasca

Since the end of 2020, Madagascar has been facing a major drought, resulting in a nutritional emergency and food insecurity, aggravated by a lack of access to drinking water, in a country that is among the poorest in the world and already weakened by COVID-19. The structural problems in southern Madagascar also generate the annual recurrence of malnutrition and food insecurity usually associated with the lean season.  UNICEF has declared a Level 2 Emergency Scaling-Up Procedure for southern Madagascar from 16 July 2021 to 16 January 2022, covering the ten districts most affected by drought. In January 2022, this L2 Emergency Procedure was extended to 16 July 2022. The evaluation of UNICEF’s Level 2 emergency response in southern Madagascar is an independent assessment of UNICEF’s performance and results in supporting and addressing the needs and priorities of the most vulnerable people in southern Madagascar.

The work conducted by a hera team has a dual objective of learning and accountability and assesses UNICEF’s emergency response against the OECD DAC criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and coherence (coordination/partnerships). The evaluation assesses UNICEF’s adherence to the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (CCC). It also assesses the results achieved in addressing the needs of women, children and the most affected populations. Also, the level of emergency preparedness and its implementation is being assessed. Finally, emphasis is placed on the concepts of gender equality, equity (inclusion of people with disabilities) and implementation strategy.